For Assistance, please call 401-828-3090. Please leave a message with your name and number and your call will be returned as promptly as possible. Note: calling the rectory will only delay reaching the appropriate contact.
Funds for its organization are obtained through fund raising events, item donations, and monetary contributions. Its purpose is to enhance the spiritual life of its members and temporarily assist those in need (emergency situations) such as electric bills, heating bills, assistance with rent, clothing, furniture, etc. The organization also provides food and food vouchers for milk, bread, and baby food for needy families. St. Vincent dePaul's motto is "need not creed." Volunteers interview people to assess the need for help, or simply walk with them through the process. Collection for contributions of food and poor boxes may be found at the entrances of the church. The group meets once a month at 7:00 PM at the Rectory of St. Vincent (see the bulletin for dates and more information and a list of current needs).
We are in need of dedicated members from both parishes to help the poor in Coventry.
We need your gift of time. God Bless.